- He hit upon a photo taken ten years ago. 他偶然发现一张十年前拍的照片。
- At last she hit upon a room that suited them nicely. 最后她找到了一间适合他们使用的房间。
- Finally they hit upon a strategy. 最后他们想出了一条计策。
- Knit the brows and you'll hit upon a stratagem. 眉头一皱, 计上心来。
- Knit your brows and you will hit upon a stratagem. 眉头一皱,计上心来。
- She hit upon a good title for her new novel. 她突然灵机一动; 为自己的新小说想出了一个很好的书名.
- At last the King hit upon a plan. 最后,国王心生一计。
- They had clearly hit upon a pressing need. 他们显然满足了一项迫切的需求。
- He hit upon a perfect name for his grandson. 他偶然想到了一种谋生手段。
- He hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist. 他突然想出了一个挫败他的对手的计划。
- He thought it over and over and finally hit upon a good idea. 他想来想去,总算想出了一个好主意。
- Finally hit on the answer; hit upon a solution to the problem. 最终找到了答案; 最终寻求到了解决这个问题的方法
- They hit upon a solution after trying several methods. 他们在试验了几个办法之后才偶然找到了一个解决办法。
- At last they hit upon a plan which promised glorious victory. 他们终于想出一条预期可获得辉煌胜利的妙计。
- The committee eventually hit upon a formula that would be acceptable to all. 委员会最终找到一个每个人都可接受的方案。
- In order to become famous they must hit upon a distinctive"signature". 要想成名,他们得想出一门与众不同的“签名”。
- In order to become famous they must hit upon a distinctive "signature". 要想成名,他们得想出一门与众不同的“签名”。
- Finally he hit upon a good idea which could be applied to such a case. 最后他忽然想到一个可以适用于这种情况的好主意。
- Suddenly the dog hit upon a good idea. He lit up a fire and began to fry fish. 狗狗忽然有了好办法,他点起火,开始煎鱼喽!
- After experimenting with the proportions, Rosen hit upon a Lean Material that consists of up to 70 percent chalk and 30 percent polyolefins. 在对构成比例进行反复试验后,罗森发现了由70%25的白垩和30%25的聚烯烃构成的“洁净材料”。